Sevgi Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Polikliniği | İmplantoloji | Cerrahi | Ortodonti | Lazer Destekli Diş Hekimliği | Estetik Diş Hekimliği |Çocuk Diş Hekimliği | Protez | Kompozit Dolgu ve Kanal Tedavisi | Diş Eti Hastalığı Periodontoloji | Oral Diagnoz Radyoloji

By only brushing your teeth you are only able to clean the surface. That is why the gaps between your teeth need extra special attention. When the gaps between your teeth are not cleaned bacteria forms from the residue of food.
Tooth decay and periodontal disease are the result of not cleaning this region.

Rip off roughly a 45cm peice of dental floss and wrap it around your middle finger.

To get the floss between your top teeth use your fingers. Do this softly and slowly without injuring your teeth. Use the floss around your tooth in upward and downward motions, also do not forget to gently clean all the way into your dental gum pockets to clean to bacterial plaque. Repeat this process with all of your teeth.

While cleaning your bottom teeth wrap the dental floss around your index finger. Repeat the process as with the top teeth in order to maintain a clean plaque free mouth.